The Lieslands

simply livin' it up

The Hanging

Well, Andrew didn’t want to go down to KY this weekend, so we didn’t make it to the music festival. Instead, we spent our Saturday hanging pictures, which is something I am very glad to have accomplished.

Other than that, we are still just getting settled in.

Craziness Ensues

Our lives became a little more hectic today because Susan’s classes have started again. She has two classes this semester, which will certainly keep both of us busy.

In a great note, Susan, Andrew and I are headed to Berea this weekend to go to a music festival on the property of Zoe Speaks. This should be a rockin’ good time. Well, maybe more folksie than rockin’, but still, it will be great to get down to Berea. Maybe we will even have a chance to introduce Andrew to his namesake.

All Moved In

We are all moved in now, almost. All of our hanging clothes are still in the apartment, but we are going to get those soon. The house is coming along great. Our basement is full of boxes, but we are slowly making progress.

In other news, Susan has returned to her internship at Kings Jr. Hi. That means that I get to stay home with Andrew on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Today was the first day and it was great to be able to stay home and hang out with him. We don’t get to spend too much alone time together any more, so these mornings are a great time to do some bonding.

Almost There

The house is coming along great. So far we have taken up the carpet in two rooms and painted one. We have almost finished most of the preparation for the move in, which is scheduled for Saturday. Hopefully tomorrow we are going to have our last bit of ugly, old carpet replaced.

Yesterday Gary, Kathie, Simon*, and Susan cleaned the kitchen walls, which looked like the inside of the chimney. My mom, Marilyn, also discoved that the dark grout in the kitchen floor isn’t dark at all, it just needs a good scrubbin’.

We are gonna beat this thing! ! !

*Please see comments.

Let the Debt Begin

Well, we did it. We bought the house. After signing a few papers and giving someone a lot of money, we bought our first house. Since it was vacant, we were able to take occupancy immediately. We have already painted one room and the next few days are going to be spent playing with flooring.

Since we have yet to buy a lawn mower our yard looks like a nature preserve.

That’s all for now. We’ll keep you updated.

The Closing

Thanks to a little tip from Becky, I realized that I have left people in the dark about our house. Anyway, we are closing on the 6th. We are probably going to move on the 14th or the 21st. We will keep you updated.

It’s about time

Well, we finally did it. On Saturday we loaded up the car and made the long haul to the Lunken Bike Path. We then proceeded to strap on the rollerblades, put Andrew in his stroller, and make the 5.5 mile trek around the airport. It was a nice little jaunt, with the most eventful part coming as Andrew and I went down a little hill and the brakes on his stroller were not enough to hold back the weight of his big butt and myself. Much to the delight of the other people on the trail and the golfers near by, we made it down safely.

Still Rollin’

Well, now that we have signed a contract and things are underway at the bank, it is only a matter of time. There are still a few different things that could hold us up, but since the inspection went well the number of major obstacles has dwindled to zero. Hopefully we will hear from the bank with a closing date soon. We should close in early August and then the real work begins. Here is a preliminary list of things that we hope to get done before we move in:

  • Change the light fixture on the front porch
  • Get some screens for the storm doors
  • Have the carpet cleaned
  • Fix/Tighten Kitchen cabinets & Counters
  • Fix the Stove Fan
  • Put the screens in the windows
  • Fix the Gutters
  • Get some blinds put in
  • Fix the shelves in the bedroom closets
  • Put a transition strip in the bathroom
  • Tighten Railings
  • Clean out the drains
  • Put of corner strips on the walls
  • Change some of the fans
  • Get a new light fixture for the dining room
  • Change the locks
  • Get some shelves for the bathroom
  • Get a new fuse for the stove
  • Get new sink fixtures

Our Next Target

Well, we signed the contract, got an inspection, and met with our loan dude. now, we just have to wait a couple weeks, and hopefully. . .

Looks Good On Paper

Well, we signed the contract last night, so now it is only a matter of getting an inspection and completing the rest of the details. Hopefully all will go well so that we will be in a home by mid-August.

In a rather interesting note, we have our last home-buying class tonight, which is about all the stuff you are supposed to do before you start looking for a home, like getting a loan pre-approved. We think that we are going to go, just in case. A little more information can never be a bad thing.

Other than working on getting a house, our lives these days are filled with fairly normal things. We have been hanging and with friends during our free time. Susan has spent the past few days babysitting for the family she was with two summers ago. Rob spends his extra time trying to think of ways to convince Susan to let him keep his snake.


We found another house. We are getting together tonight to go over the details of a contract for a house that is for sale by owner. We have all the major details worked out, so it sounds like the contract won’t be too much of a problem.

Like the Energizer Bunny

Well, today we got back on the horse and starting looking for houses again. We looked at two that we weren’t exactly ecstatic about and tomorrow we are going to be looking at one more. Hopefully we will find another one we like sometime. Our Apartment is starting to fill up with random stuff and I am too lazy to do anything about it because I figure that once we find a house we will have to pack it anyway. Maybe I should put the stuff away, because then, according to Murphy’s Laws, we will find the perfect house.